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Useful Links

We’re members of many of these societies and have added links to a couple of other dealers and organisers who are generous with publishing further useful numismatic links.

Money and Medals Network – a hub for the various UK numismatic organisations, including a useful monthly newsletter with good articles and a listing of current events, fairs and auctions

The British Art Medal Society (BAMS) BAMS publishes a bi-annual magazine called The Medal which is a vital source of information about historical and contemporary works.

Artmedal Belgium Art Nouveau medals – an introduction to Belgian and French medals 1870 onwards by an enthusiast. Not much detail but some nice pictures and more links

Royal Numismatic Society (RNS) A highly academic society with many useful, erudite publications. Monthly meetings in London – very interesting –  plus joint meetings in July and December with the BNS

British Numismatic Society (BNS) The leading organisation for the study of coins, medals, jettons and paper money of the British Isles, the Commonwealth and other territories that have been subject to British rule. Monthly meetings in London and special publications.

Oriental Numismatic SocietyA corresponding society with occasional meetings. There are chapters in the UK, Europe, USA and India.

BNTA – The British Numismatic Trade Association We’ve been members of the BNTA for over 30 years. It’s the voluntary watchdog for the numismatic trade in the UK and organises the Coinex fair in London at the end of September each year.

American Numismatic Association – used to be the largest numismatic society in the world but we think the Chinese one has more members now. Organises mega coin fairs but mainly for American coins

American Numismatic Society A learned society, with a great collection and library, based in New York. Publishes a good journal and other publications.

British Museum – Online research catalogues Always interesting – research material from Roman Republican Coins to Drawings by Rembrandt and his School and Paper Money of England and Wales

Coin News Leading UK coin magazine with a very useful page of frequently asked questions.  Howard Simmons provides many of the answers to the Coin Clinic queries for Coin News. 

Token Corresponding Society For collectors of unofficial coinage, annual congress and quarterly journal

UK Coin Fairs Digest  A listing of all the coin fairs in the UK, including our old fair, the London Coin Fair which is now organised by Mike & Lu Veissid – see their dedicated site for more details about the LCF and the Midland Fairs