| CA369 | 1739 V French Colonies 1 Sou Marque. billon Troyes mint - used in Canada & US - Vlack 192 (R4) | £100.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA360 | 1855 Britannia Groat of Queen Victoria silver | £50.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA434 | Afghanistan silver rupee Dost Muhammed 1260AH (1844AD) Kabul mint KM497 unrecorded date | £50.00 | | | |
| CA286 | Algeria Gold Quarter Sultani 1240 KM 63.2 - 4 holes used as jewellery | £65.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA264 | Ancient NABATAEA. Rabbel II, with Shuqailat II. AD 70/1-105/6. Silver Sela' or Drachm | £120.00 | | | |
| CA189 | Ancient bronze coin Roman Provincial Germanicus and Augustus 17mm. 4.03g. in Greek | £50.00 | | | |
| CA428 | Ancient coin: Jewish bronze Prutah double cornucopia with pomegranate between rev. inscription in wreath - Alexander Janaeus 103-76BC | £24.00 | | | |
| CA427 | Ancient coin: Jewish bronze Prutah star rev. anchor - Alexander Janaeus 103-76BC | £15.00 | | | |
| CA256 | Ancient Greece Lokris, Lokroi Opuntii, silver Tri-obol 338 BC - 316 BC | £60.00 | | | |
| CA325 | Ancient Greece - TROAS. Abydos. 4th century BC. Bronze coin Apollo / standing eagle | £15.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA257 | Ancient Roman AE3 Jovian 363 - 364 AD Hereclea mint - Vot V in wreath type | £30.00 | | | |
| CA197 | Ancient Roman bronze AE2 coin of Arcadius, reverse Gloria Romanorum 4th century | £20.00 | | | |
| CA429 | Ancient silver coin SOUTHERN ARABIA Saba'. Late 4th–mid 2nd centuries BC. AR nsf Unit imitating Greek Athens Owl tetradrachm Sabaean | £38.00 | | | |
| CA356 | ARMENIA Abbasi AH 1131 (1719) Erivan silver coin Safavids of IRAN HUSAYN I | £20.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA318 | British India , Bombay Presidency - Malabar Coast East India Company copper Paisa | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA301 | British India India silver Half Rupee coin 1862 Bombay or Madras mint | £60.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA300 | British India India silver Rupee coin 1862 Bombay mint | £100.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA303 | British India silver Rupee 1887 Bombay mint coin | £75.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA302 | British India silver Rupee coin 1880 Bombay mint | £45.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y176 | British West Africa silver 1 Shilling 1914 coin George V | £15.00 | | | |
| CA281 | BRUNEI: Anonymous, 18th-19th century, broad tin pitis coin S E Asia | £200.00 | | | |
| CA297 | BULGARIA Second Empire Ivan Sracimir 1356–1397 silver Gros | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA378 | Byzantine - copper core of contemporary forgery of Constantine X scyphate GOLD Histamenon Nomisma | £35.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA423 | Cambodia, 2 Pe, 1/2 Fuang, (1885), , Billon, KM:26 Battambang mint | £50.00 | | | |
| CA354 | Campen (Kampen) 1 Stuiver N D (1621) base silver local coin Netherlands | £60.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA316 | Ceylon Stuiver coin KM# 19.1 (ca. 1712) 1St in wreath Jaffna mint | £45.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA314 | Ceylon Stuiver coin KM# 26 1788 VOC Dutch East Indies Company Colombo mint | £20.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA315 | Ceylon Stuiver coin KM# 26 1795 C VOC Dutch East Indies Company Colombo mint | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA382 | China Republic, Szechuan copper 200 cash KM Y-464 - plain edge | £20.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA384 | China Republic, Honan copper 200 cash KM Y-396 coin | £40.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA376 | China - Provincial KWANGTUNG PROVINCE Cash Y# 189 Kuang-hsü T'ung-pao - milled cash nice grade | £25.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA383 | China Empire, - Tai Ching Ti Kuo Copper Coin 20 Cash CD - 1906 Sichuan / Yunnan | £120.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA381 | China Republic Kansu Warlord Issue cast 50 cash (1920) | £350.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA379 | China Sinkiang Red copper 10 cash Xianfeng Aksu mint H 22.1076 | £15.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA368 | China, Emperor Wen Zong (1851–61) Hartill 22.739 10 cash ND Board of Revenue cast iron West Branch. | £95.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y193 | CHINA, QING DYNASTY, Jia Qing, 1796-1820, AE cash (8.50g), Board of Revenue Mint, Beijing, H-22.471, South Branch | £35.00 | | | |
| CA211 | CHINA, XINJIANG, Xian Feng Zhong Bao, 1851-61,10 cash, H22.1105, Urumqi mint | £24.00 | | | |
| Y172 | CHINA: QING: Tong Zhi, 1862-1874, AE cast 10 cash Board of Works mint, Peking, H-22.1134, Old branch mint, | £35.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y171 | CHINA: QING: Xian Feng 1851-1861 AE 10 cash coin Board of Revenue mint Peking, H-22.698 | £45.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y161 | CHINA: QING: Xian Feng, 1851-1861, AE 5 cash, Board of Works mint, Peking, H-22.750, New branch mint, cast 1854-5 | £75.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y162 | CHINA: QING. Guang Xu tong bao AE 10 cash, Board of Revenue mint, Peking, H-22.1299, South branch mint, | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA348 | Colombia State of Santander, 50 Centavos 1902 KM A3 brass bracteate | £40.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| TA327 | Countermarked George IV Penny - G. QUAIL | £12.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y185 | Croatia Ragusa Grosetto KM# 5 1684 silver coin minted in Dubrovnic | £20.00 | | | |
| Y184 | Croatia Ragusa Grosetto KM# 5 1754 silver coin minted in Dubrovnic | £25.00 | | | |
| Y181 | Croatia Ragusa Soldo KM# 6 1752 copper coin minted in Dubrovnic | £15.00 | | | |
| CA421 | Cyprus 1 Carzia billon coin - Venetian ruler Doge Lorenzo Priuli 1556-59 | £25.00 | | | |
| CA273 | East India Company - British Bombay Presidency 1803 pice | £30.00 | | | |
| CA414 | East India Company Bengal Presidency silver Rupee Calcutta mint year 19 | £25.00 | | | |
| CA412 | East India Company Madras Presidency silver Double Fanam (1807) KM 338 | £50.00 | | | |
| Y177 | England Elizabeth I shilling initial mark A (1584-5) central hole allowed to circulate during Great Recoinage 1695-7 | £150.00 | | | |
| CA240 | England James II Crown 1688 F | £190.00 | | | |
| CA280 | France 2 Sol 1793 year II H mint = La Rochelle KM 621.6 | £40.00 | | | |
| CA358 | France Token jeton Napoleon III Lille 10 Centimes module, monument to Napoleon Lille 1854 | £15.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y163 | France, ORANGE, Guillaume-Henri, Denier Tournois, 1652, copper coin | £35.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA198 | French Colonies 5 Centimes KM# 12 1843A Louis Philippe portrait | £32.00 | | | |
| CA276 | French India Arcot mint (1201) year 26 KM 46 silver Rupee | £40.00 | | | |
| CA275 | French India Arcot mint 1203 year 28 KM 46 silver Rupee | £50.00 | | | |
| Y167 | GB Charles II copper farthing coin 1673 | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA351 | GB Engraved coin, George III sixpence engraved S.M.A. Radcliffe | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y168 | GB Victoria 1843 Half Farthing coin | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y169 | GB Victoria 1893 Maundy 2d coin Old head | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y166 | GB William III silver shilling 1696 E Exeter Mint part of Isaac Newton's recoinage | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y165 | GB William III silver shilling 1697 | £90.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA435 | German States Brunswick-Lüneburg-Calenberg-Hannover 1 Pfenning - George I copper coin 1726 KM 64 | £35.00 | | | |
| CA298 | Hungary Denár - András II - Denar Anfrew II 1205-35 small silver coin | £28.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA236 | HUNGARY Bela III AD 1172-1196. AE. Follaro Pseudo Kufic | £35.00 | | | |
| CA377 | India - Ancient copper coin Sunga Dynasty 185 BC - 73 BC 0 1/4 Karshapana - elephant with rider / moon over hill | £15.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA293 | India Assam Silver 1 Rupee Shiva Simha with Queen Pramathesvari 1650 | £75.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| X160 | India East India Company Bengal Presidency, Jewellers copy of Murishabad San 19 Rupee in Brass | £15.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA294 | India East India Company Quarter Anna 1858 much original lustre | £25.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA234 | India-Princely States KUTCH 2-1/2 Kori 1937 VS1993 Y# 74 | £18.00 | | | |
| CA233 | India-Princely States KUTCH 5 Kori Y# 53a 1935 VS1991 silver coin | £24.00 | | | |
| CA277 | Indonesia, Sumatra, Atjeh Aceh c. early 19th century, tin / lead Pitis, legend in Arabic, KM 1 | £10.00 | | | |
| CA437 | Italian States Duchy of Mantua, copper coin Quattrino - Francis II greyhound / dog, reliquary | £30.00 | | | |
| CA438 | Italian States Duchy of Savoy, billon (base silver) ½ Soldo - Charles Emmanuel I no date 1580-1630 | £22.00 | | | |
| Y164 | Italy - Venice Gazzetta of 2 Soldi Law of 12 Settembre 1565 Silver coin | £20.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA401 | Italy Italian States Duchy of Parma and Piacenza 1792 10 Soldi coin of Ferdinand I | £20.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA387 | Italy Papal Benedict XVI 1740-58 Grosso year 10 (1750) St. Peter 3/4 Left Berman 2461 CNI 245 | £65.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA386 | Italy Papal Innocent XII 1695 Giuilo CNI 74 Berman 2260 | £125.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA385 | Italy Tuscany Pisa 1/2 Grosso 1714 silver coin 1.34g 18.2mm. Cosimo III | £50.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA380 | Italy Venice silver Soldini Antonio Venier 1382-1400 Mintmaster I 15.8mm. 0.41g | £25.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA102 | JAPAN silver coin 1 Yen Meiji 3 (1870) gold plated and mounted as a broach - missing pin | £75.00 | | | |
| CA142 | Japan 5 Sen Meiji 10 KM22 silver coin | £100.00 | | | |
| CA138 | Japan silver coin 10 Sen Meiji 24 KM23 1891 | £30.00 | | | |
| CA1011 | Korea 1 Fun brass coin year 504 2 characters KM 1105 | £25.00 | | | |
| CA286 | Korea brass coin 1 Mun Joseon Tong Bo 1625-33 | £45.00 | | | |
| CA430 | KOREA: Kwang Mu 1897-1907 ¼ yang year 2 (1898) KM-1117 | £14.00 | | | |
| CA375 | Malaysia, Malay Peninsula KELANTAN tin Pitis or Keping SS5 Pridmore 124 | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA374 | Malaysia, Malay Peninsula TRENGGANU Cent KM# 19 1325 Tin coin 29mm | £30.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| 109116 | MB109116 Coin Sweden copper 1 ore 1645 Queen Christina | Auction Expired | 2024-10-01 12:28:45 | 2024-10-30 12:28:45 | |
| 109118 | MB109118 Republic of China (Taiwan) 2000 yuan silver coin Chiang Kai Shek 80th anniversary 1967 | Auction Expired | 2024-10-01 12:29:15 | 2024-10-30 12:29:15 | |
| 109191 | MB109191 GB Cartwheel 2d 1797 coin with edge impressed inscription relating to Royal Mint1852 | Auction Expired | 2024-10-01 12:47:30 | 2024-10-30 12:47:30 | |
| 109368 | MB109368 China Republic, Shensi 2 Cents copper coin, Y 436.3 | Auction Expired | 2024-10-01 13:31:45 | 2024-10-30 13:31:45 | |
| 109369 | MB109369 China Republic Szechuan Province copper 200 cash Y459.1 | Auction Expired | 2024-10-01 13:32:00 | 2024-10-30 13:32:00 | |
| CA260 | Medieval Ceylon copper coin Kings of Kandy Parakrama Bahu II 1236-1271, Kahavanu copper coin | £14.00 | | | |
| CA262 | Medieval Ceylon copper coin Kings of Kandy Queen Lilavati (reigned 1197–1200, 1209–1210, and 1211–1212) & Kahavanu Massa | £14.00 | | | |
| Y187 | Montenegro Cattaro (Kotor) copper Follero issued under Venice Initial AB = Alvise Bon 1464-8 | £70.00 | | | |
| CA247 | Morocco 10 Mazunas 1310AH bronze coin KM Y3 | £140.00 | | | |
| CA119 | Nepal Token 14 paisa iron coin undated KM 998 | £40.00 | | | |
| CA391 | Netherlands Dutch India Dutch East India Company silver fanam value 6 stuivers no date mid 18th century 10.8mm. 1.06g. | £25.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| Y175 | New Zealand silver shilling coin 1933 KM 3 Maori warrior | £15.00 | | | |
| WA179 | Nickel Essai France Metallurgie Francaise Paris 4 grammes rev. Alliage Monetaire 1877 10 centimes | £85.00 | | | |
| CA436 | Norway 2 Skilling KM# 280.1 1810 copper coin | £18.00 | | | |
| CA389 | Ottoman Turkey Abdul Hamid I (AH 1187-1203 / 1774-1789 AD), silver coin 2 Zolota 1187 year 9 - KM 402 base silver 26.62g crown size | £32.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA388 | Ottoman Turkey Mustafa III (1757-1774) 2 Zolota 1171 year 7 - KM 324 base silver 28.30g crown size | £32.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA390 | Ottoman Turkey Mustafa III (1757-1774) Piastre 1171 year 87 KM - 321.1 18.85g small crown size 39.9mm silver | £25.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA439 | Papal States Comtat Venaissin Billon (base silver) Patard coin Urban VIII 1623+44 Avignon | £28.00 | | | |
| CA426 | Roman bronze coin Domitian, AE20 of Pella Decapolis. Dated year 145 = 82/3 AD. Judea Capta type | £70.00 | | | |
| CA220 | Roman coin Gallienus Antoninianus rev. IOVI CONS AVG goat | £15.00 | | | |
| CA425 | Roman Divus Claudius II Gothicus bronze Follis coin. Struck under Constantine I, 317-318 AD. ? Thessalonica mint. | £40.00 | | | |
| CA408 | Roman Empire base silver coin antoninianus Valerian Victoria Aug | £28.00 | | | |
| CA403 | Roman Empire bronze coin AE4 Licinius, Nicomedia | £15.00 | | | |
| CA410 | Roman Empire bronze coin Theodosius AE3 Thessalonica | £20.00 | | | |
| CA404 | Roman Empire bronze coin Valentinian II AE4 RIC 51b | £12.00 | | | |
| CA259 | Roman Empire coin Aelia Flaccilla Follis Antioch Victory AE4 | £20.00 | | | |
| CA406 | Roman Empire silver coin denarius Elagabalus rev. Providence | £30.00 | | | |
| CA409 | Roman Empire silver coin denarius laureate head of Caracalla, reverse Mars RIC88 | £45.00 | | | |
| CA407 | Roman Empire silver coin denarius Marcus Aurelius reverse German Captive S1413 | £95.00 | | | |
| CA405 | Roman Empire silver coin denarius Severus Alexander | £40.00 | | | |
| CA411 | Roman Empire silver siliqua coin Julian II as Augustus | £50.00 | | | |
| CA255 | Roman Empire, Severus Alexander Denarius - Mars standing | £30.00 | | | |
| CA258 | Roman Empire, base silver coin Antoninianus Quintillus 270AD Laetitia | £15.00 | | | |
| CA424 | Roman Empire, Divo Claudio - Claudius II "Gothicus". Died 270 AD. AE Antoninianus rev Consecratio with altar Sear 3228 | £15.00 | | | |
| CA418 | SIKH EMPIRE silver rupee coin Amritsar, VS1884, KM-20.1 | £30.00 | | | |
| CA419 | SIKH EMPIRE: AR nanakshahi rupee (11.11g), Amritsar, VS1866, KM-20.1, | £25.00 | | | |
| CA416 | SIKH EMPIRE: AR rupee Amritsar mint VS1873, KM 20.1 | £40.00 | | | |
| CA417 | SIKH EMPIRE: AR rupee, Amritsar, VS1877, KM-20.1 | £30.00 | | | |
| Y173 | South Africa - ZAR Paul Kruger silver 2 Shillings 1896 KM 6 | £30.00 | | | |
| CA431 | South Africa - ZAR Paul Kruger silver 3d 1897 KM 3 | £20.00 | | | |
| CA149 | Spain: Castille & Leon, Alfonso X. Billon Denier Blanco coin 1252-84AD | £15.00 | | | |
| CA317 | Sri Lanka/ Ceylon 1/2 Stuiver coin KM# 18.2 (1660-1720) 1/2St in wreath Jaffna mint | £15.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA320 | Thailand (Siam) 1/16 Fuang = 1 Solot tin coin ND (1862) KM Y 5 | £10.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA321 | Thailand (Siam) 1/8 Fuang = 1 Att tin coin ND (1862) KM Y 6.3 | £15.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |
| CA154 | Thailand Brass 1/2 Fuang coin Thin flan KM 4a | £18.00 | | | |
| Ca269 | TIBET (China) 1 Sho BE 16 - 9 (1935) KM 23 | £30.00 | | | |
| CA268 | TIBET (China) 5 Sho BE 16 - 24 (1950) KM 28a | £40.00 | | | |
| CA282 | Tobago stampee struck over crowned C - West Indies 2 island countermarks | £120.00 | | | |
| CA432 | Turkey - Bayezid I Ottoman Emperor Akce 792 AH (1390AD) Silver Coin | £20.00 | | | |
| CA433 | Turkey - Murad II Ottoman Emperor Akce 834AH (1431 AD) Silver Coin Minted at Serez (Serrirs now in Greece) | £15.00 | | | |
| ca230 | Turkey 20 Para coin 1327H Year 4 Nickel KM 761 - officially cancelled | £25.00 | | | |
| CA237 | UK Very worn Victorian "bun" penny countermarked 999 Telephone token emergency related? | £15.00 | | | |
| CA372 | USA Hawaii Dala or Dollar 1883 made into buckle silver - complete KM 7 | £300.00 | 2022-03-06 12:57:40 | 2022-04-05 13:26:30 | |